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Shaykh Muhammad Saalih al-Munajid | Kisah-Kisah Teladan



He was born on 30/12/1381 AH. He completed his elementary, middle and secondary schooling in Riyaadh, and completed his university studies in al-Dahran, in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

He attended the classes of Shaykh ‘Abd al-‘Azeez ibn ‘Abd-Allaah ibn Baaz, Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-‘Uthaymeen and Shaykh ‘Abd-Allaah ibn ‘Abd al-Rahmaan al-Jibreen; they were the shaykhs from whom he learned the most. He also studied under Shaykh ‘Abd al-Rahmaan ibn Naasir al-Barraak and Shaykh Muhammad, the son Seedi al-Habeeb al-Shanqeeti. He learned the recitation of the Qur’aan from Shaykh Sa’eed Aal ‘Abd-Allaah.

Among his shaykhs from whom he learned were also Shaykh Saalih ibn Fawzaan Aal Fawzaan, Shaykh ‘Abd-Allaah ibn Muhammad al-Ghunaymaan, Shaykh ‘Abd al-Muhsin al-Zaamil and Shaykh ‘Abd al-Rahmaan ibn Saalih al-Mahmood.

The shaykh from whom he learned the most with regard to fatwas was Shaykh ‘Abd al-‘Azeez ibn ‘Abd-Allaah ibn Baaz – may Allaah have mercy on him; his relationship with him lasted for fifteen years. He is the one who encouraged him to teach, and wrote to the Da’wah and Guidance Centre (Markaz al-Da’wah wa’l-Irshaad) in Dammaam to ask them to co-operate with him in arranging lectures, khutbahs, and classes. Because of Shaykh ‘Abd al-‘Azeez ibn Baaz (may Allaah have mercy on him), he became a khateeb, imaam and lecturer.

He gives classes in the mosque where he the imaam – Jaami’ ‘Umar ibn ‘Abd al-‘Azeez in al-Khobar. These classes include:

- Tafseer Ibn Katheer (the Qur’aanic commentary of Ibn Katheer – may Allaah have mercy on him)

- Sharh Saheeh al-Bukhaari (commentary on Saheeh al-Bukhaari)

- Fataawa Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (fatwas of Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah)

- Sharh Sunan al-Tirmidhi (commentary on Sunan al-Tirmidhi)

- Sharh Kitaab al-Tawheed li Shaykh Muhammad ibn ‘Abd al-Wahhaab (Commentary on the Book of Tawheed by Shaykh Muhammad ibn ‘Abd al-Wahhaab)

- Sharh ‘Umdat al-Ahkaam fi’l-Fiqh li’l-Haafiz ‘Abd al-Ghani al-Maqdisi (commentary on ‘Umdat al-Ahkaam fi’l-Fiqh by al-Haafiz ‘Abd al-Ghani al-Maqdisi)

He also gives a series of educational classes on Wednesdays, and is involved in a program on the Holy Qur’aan Radio station (Idhaa’at al-Qur’aan il-Kareem), entitled “Bayna al-Nabi SAWS (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) wa ashaabihi (Between the Prophet SAWS (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and his Companions)” on Saturdays at 2.05 p.m. He also takes part in some TV shows and has recorded tapes of his various lessons, including the following:

1. Ibn al-Qayyim al-‘Aalim al-Rabbaani (Ibn al-Qayyim, the great scholar)

2. Duroos wa ‘ibar al-Imaam al-Shaafa’i (lessons from the life of Imaam al-Shaafa’i)

3. Al-Nabi SAWS (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) ka annaka taraahu (the Prophet SAWS (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) as if you can see him)

4. Hikmat Ibraaheem ‘alayhi’l-salaam (the wisdom of Ibraaheem, peace be upon him)

5. Duroos wa ‘ibar min Qissat al-Khidr (lessons from the story of al-Khidr)

6. Yoosuf wa imra’at al-‘Azeez (Yoosuf and the wife of al-‘Azeez)

7. Tansheet al-Kaslaan bi seerat Sufyaan – seerat Sufyaan al-Thawri (Energizing the lazy through the biography of Sufyaan – the biography of Sufyaan al-Thawri)

8. Dhamm al-Dayn wa ‘Aaqibat al-Istidaanah (Condemnation of debt and the consequences of seeking loans)

9. Harb Allaah li akalat al-riba (Allaah declares war on those who consume ribaa)

10. Al-Radd ‘ala man ahalla al-ribaa (Refutation of those who say that ribaa is permitted)

11. Akhtaa’ shaa’i’ah fi’l-buyoo’ (Common mistakes in commercial transactions)

12. Anwaa’ al-Ta’meen wa hukmuhu fi’l-sharee’ah (Different kinds of insurance and the rulings on them in sharee’ah)

13. Al-riyaa’ (showing off)

14. Al-Istiqaamah (righteousness)

15. Kayfa tuhibb al-Nabi SAWS (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) (how to love the Prophet SAWS (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him))

16. Kayfa nujaddid al-eemaan fi quloobina (how we can renew faith in our hearts)

17. Al-khushoo’ fi’l-salaah (attaining focus in prayer)

18. Haajatunaa ila’l-akhlaaq (our need for morals)

19. A’maal al-quloob fi waqt al-shiddah (actions of the heart at times of difficulty)

20. Mufsidaat al-quloob (Things which corrupt the heart)

21. Al-Bukaa’ min khashiyat Allaah (Weeping from fear of Allaah)

22. Tasfiyat al-Nufoos min al-Ahqaad (Purifying hearts from hatred)

23. Daa’ al-ghuflah (the disease of negligence)

24. Mahboobaat al-Mahboob (what the Beloved loves)

25. In’aash al-quloob (nourishment of the heart)

26. Sawaarif al-Khushoo’ (things that prevent one from focusing in prayer)

27. Inna Ibraaheema kaana ummatan (Verily, Ibraaheem was an ummah [a leader])

28. Ibn Taymiyah wa Harb al-Tataar (Ibn Taymiyah and the war of the Tartars)

29. Duroos wa ‘ibar fi Islaam Abi Dharr (Lessons from the story of Abu Dharr’s coming to Islam)

30. Salaah al-Deen wa Tajdeed al-Jihaad (Salaah al-Deen and the revival of Jihaad)

31. Faaji’ah raheel Ibn Baaz (The calamity of the passing of Ibn Baaz)

32. Wa afala kawkab Ahl al-Hadeeth al-Albaani (the star of the scholars of hadeeth, al-Albaani, has set)

33. Alfaaz al-‘aammah al-mukhaalifah li’l-sharee’ah (phrases used by the common people which go against sharee’ah)

34. Kayfa nuhaarib al-kahaanah wa’l-tanjeem (how to combat fortune-telling and astrology)

35. Al-Haqq ahaqq an yutaba’ (the truth is more deserving of being followed)

36. Khutoorah al-walaa’ al-fikri (the danger of intellectual subjugation)

37. Ahammiyyat al-eemaan bi’l-yawm al-aakhir (the importance of belief in the Last Day)

38. Duroos fi fitnat al-maseeh al-dajjaal (Lessons concerning the tribulation of the Dajjaal)

39. Al-Tawwakul ‘ala Allaah fi’l-azamaat (putting one’s trust in Allaah at times of crisis)

40. ‘Aqeedatunaa (our belief)

41. Lamhah ‘an al-firaq al-mu’aasirah (a glimpse at contemporary sects)

42. Hukm al-ihtifaal bi’l-kreesmas wa ra’s al-sanah (Ruling on celebrating Xmas and New Year’s)

43. Muhaawalaat faashilah li tashweeh al-Islam (failed attempts to give a bad impression of Islam)

44. Al-radd ‘ala al-suwar allati nasharahaa al-yahood (Refutation of the pictures published by the Jews)

45. Bid’ah taqdeem al-‘aql ‘ala al-naql (the bid’ah of giving precedence to reason over the transmitted reports)

46. Adriha wa quboor (tombs and graves)

47. Akhbaar ‘Eesa ‘alayhi’l-salaam fi ahaadeeth Muhammad SAWS (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) (Reports about ‘Eesa (peace be upon him) in the ahaadeeth of Muhammad SAWS (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).

48. Ru’oos al-aqlaam fi’l-ru’aa wa’l-ahlaam (Guidelines concerning dreams and visions)

49. Al-‘Aqeedah al-mudaaddah li’l-‘Awlamah (the belief that opposes globalization)

50. Kalimaat al-aghaani fi meezaan al-sharee’ah (Song lyrics weighed in the balance of sharee’ah)

51. Ahsinu al-zann bi Rabbikum (think positively of your Lord)

52. Ila’l-mutazawwijeen al-judud (to the newly-wed)

53. Al-tabkeer bi’l-zawaaj (early marriage)

54. Al-mar’ah ‘ala ‘atabat il-zawaaj (Woman on the threshhold of marriage)

55. Nahwa zawaaj Islami (Towards an Islamic marriage)

56. Al-inhiyaar al-usari (the collapse of the family)

57. Wasaaya min Allaah fi’l-ushrah al-zawjiyyah (guidelines from Allaah concerning married life)

58. Huqooq al-zawjah ‘ala zawjihaa (the wife’s rights over her husband)

59. Huqooq al-zawj ‘ala zawjatihi (the husband’s rights over his wife)

60. Zawaaj al-misyaar (misyaar marriage)

61. Al-zawaaj al-sirri (secret marriage)

62. Adrik ahlaka qabl an yahtariqu (Hasten to save your family before they burn)

63. Inna akramakum ‘inda Allaah atqaakum (the most honourable of you with Allaah is the one who is most pious)

64. Ahammiyyat al-wasat al-tayyib li’l-shabaab al-muslim (The importance of a good environment for the Muslim youth)

65. Kayfa taqra’ kitaaban (How to read a book)

66. Wasaa’il takween al-shakhsiyat al-Islaamiyah (Means of forming the Islamic personality)

67. Wasaaya li shabaab al-maraakiz al-sayfiyah (Advice to the youth in the summer resorts)

68. Haajatunaa ila al-tarbiyah al-Islamiyyah (our need for an Islamic education)

69. Muqawwimaat al-Tarbiyah al-naajihah (Elements of a successful education)

70. Kayfa yurabbi al-Muslim nafsahu (How the Muslim should train himself)

71. Mushkilaat tarbawiyyah (Educational problems)

72. Musaahabat al-saaliheen (keeping company with the righteous)

73. Ijtihaad al-salaf fi’l-ibaadah (how the salaf strove in worship)

74. Liqaa’ ma’a al-shabaab (Meeting the youth 1-2-3-4)

75. Nasha’atu Ismaa’eel wa husn al-zann Billaah (The upbringing of Ismaa’eel and thinking positively of Allaah)

76. Tarbiyat al-nafs ‘ala’l-‘ibaadah (Training oneself in worship)

77. Al-shabaab bayna al-hidaayah wa’l-intikaasah (the youth between guidance and deviation)

78. Khattah wa tawajjuh fi ijaazat al-sayf (Plans and directions during summer vacation)

79. Kayfa tata’aamal ma’a akhtaa’ al-naas (How to deal with people’s mistakes)

80. Li’l-aabaa’ wa’l-tullaab wa’l-mudarriseen (To parents, students and teachers)

81. Kayfa nastafeed min al-jayl al-fareed (How may we learn from the unique generation)

82. Hifz al-deen (protecting religious commitment)

83. Mawaaqif tarbawiyah mu’aththirah fi seerat al-‘ulamaa’ (Moving scenes from the lives of the scholars)

84. Maadha yanqasunaa (What is lacking in us)

85. Al-shakhs al-maftoon (the person who is affected by fitnah)

86. Kayfa turawwid nafsaka (how to tame your self)

87. Thagharaat qaatilah (fatal omissions)

88. Al-‘ibaadah al-mafqoodah (missing acts of worship)

89. Islaah al-nafs ba’d al-hidaayah (Reforming oneself after guidance)

90. Makaanah al-wahy ‘inda al-Sahaabah (the status of the Revelation in the eyes of the Sahaabah)

91. Namaadhij min iltizaam al-salaf (examples of the commitment of the salaf)

92. La tartaddu ‘ala a’qaabikum (Do not turn on your heels)

93. Al-tanaafur wa’l-tajaadhub fi’l-‘alaaqaat (Alienation and attraction in relationships)

94. Makaayid min talbees Iblees (Plots from Iblees to create confusion)

95. Athar al-Qur’aan fi hayaat al-insaan (The effect of the Qur’aan on a person’s life)

96. Al-tahdheer min ittibaa’ al-hawaa (Warning against following one’s desires)

97. Wa tilka’l-ayyaamu nudaawiluhaa bayna al-naas (“And so are the days (good and not so good), We give to men by turns” [Aal ‘Imraan 3:140 – interpretation of the meaning])

98. Laa tatba’ al-nazrah al-nazrah (Do not follow one glance with another)

99. Al-Muslim bayna al-zuhd wa’l-wara’ (The Muslim between asceticism and piety)

100. Maadha ‘adadna li ahwaal al-qiyaamah (What have we prepared for the horrors of the Resurrection)

101. Shaabbun nasha’a fi taa’at Allaah (A young man who grew up obeying Allaah)

102. Tadhakkar qabla an tadkhul al-sooq (Think before you enter the marketplace)

103. Koonu ma’a al-saadiqeen (be with those who are sincere)

104. Madat sanah min ‘amrika (A year of your life has gone by)

105. Wasaa’il al-ziyaadah fi’l-rizq (Ways of increasing provision)

106. Al-nadheer al-akheer maadha tasma’ (the final warning, what do you hear?)

107. Sabeel al-najaah min fitnat al-nisaa’ (Ways of saving oneself from the temptation of women)

108. Afi tahreem al-ghinaa’ shakk (Is there any doubt that singing is haraam?)

109. Mas’ooliyat al-Muslim ‘an sam’ihi (The Muslim’s responsibility for his hearing)

110. Zilzaal al-dunya wa zilzaal al-aakhirah (The earthquake of this world and the earthquake of the Hereafter)

111. Haaluna ba’d Ramadaan (Our situation after Ramadaan)

112. Dhikraa al-mathwaa (remembering lying in the grave)

113. Al-mawqif al raheeb fi’l-yawm al-‘aseeb (The frightening situation on the Day of Terror)

114. ‘Ibar fi mawaazeen Allaah wa mawaazeen al-bashar (Lessons concerning the standards of Allaah and the standards of mankind)

115. Jasr al-ahwaal (The bridge of terrors)

116. Lahzat khurooj al-rooh (The moment when the soul departs)

117. Al-saahib saahib (Your friend will pull you (towards his way))

118. Jannat al-dunya (the paradise of this world)

119. ‘Adhaab Ahl al-Kabaa’ir fi’l-Barzakh (The punishment in al-barzakh of those who committed major sins)

120. Ta’is ‘abd al-dunya (Doomed is the slave of this world)

121. Hadeeth al-ru’yah wa’l-siraat (The hadeeth about seeing Allaah and the Siraat (bridge over Hell))

122. Hadeeth aakhir ahl al-Jannah dukhoolan (The hadeeth about the last people to enter Paradise)

123. Museebatuna sami’naa wa ‘asaynaa (our problem is that we hear and disobey)

124. Qurb nihaayat al-‘aalam (the closeness of the end of the world)

125. Tadhkirah fi’l-harr wa fasl al-sayf (A reminder concerning the heat and the summer)

126. Al-tafreeh bi dhikr al-tasbeeh (The joy of remembering tasbeeh)

127. Anwaar al-istighfaar (the light of seeking forgiveness)

128. Ma ‘adhruka ghadan bayna yaday Allaah (What will your excuse be tomorrow before Allaah?)

129. Al-muhaffizaat ila ‘amal al-khayraat (motivation to do good deeds)

130. Muharramaat astahaana bihaa katheer min al-naas (prohibitions which many people take lightly)

131. Alhaakum al-takaathur (The mutual rivalry for the piling up of worldly things diverts you – al-Takaathur 102:1, interpretation if the meaning)

132. Al-wasiyyah al-sughraa (a little reminder)

133. Al-Shuhood Yawm al-Qiyaamah (The witnesses on the Day of Resurrection)

134. Al-Ukhuwwah fi Allaah (Brotherhood for the sake of Allaah)

135. Min husn Islam al-mar’ tarkuhu ma la ya’nih (Part of a person’s being a good Muslim is leaving alone that which does not concern him)

136. Al-‘afw wa’l-i’tidhaar bayn al-ikhwah (Forgiveness and apologizing among brothers)

137. Husn al-ta’aamul (Treating one another well)

138. Quwwat al-iraadah wa ‘alw al-himmah (Willpower and ambition)

139. Saahib al-qalb al-raheem (The one who has a compassionate heart)

140. Haqq al-‘ilm ‘ala al-Muslim (the rights of knowledge over the Muslim)

141. Risaalah ila al-‘mu’allim al-Muslim (message to a Muslim teacher)

142. Kayfa natahammas li talb al-‘ilm (how can we become more enthusiastic about gaining knowledge?)

143. Kayfa nas’al ahl al-ilm (How can we ask the scholars?)

144. Al-mazeed min al-manhajiyyah (being more methodological)

145. Kayfa tulqi mawdoo’an (how to present a topic)

146. Taalib al-‘ilm wa’l-hifz (The student and memorization)

147. Taalib al-‘ilm wa’l-rihlah (The student and travelling)

148. Taalib al-‘ilm wa’l-‘aml (The student and work)

149. Duroos al-‘ilm fi’l-ijaazah (Studying during vacations)

150. Fadl al-‘ilm ‘ala al-maal (The superiority of knowledge over wealth)

151. Al-fatwa bi ghayr ‘ilm (Giving fatwas without knowledge)

152. Rasaa’il ahl al-‘ilm (Essays of the scholars)

153. Tooba li’l-ghurabaa’ (Glad tidings to the strangers)

154. Al-jiddiyyah fi’l-iltizaam bi’l-Islam (Seriousness in commitment to Islam)

155. ‘Awaa’iq fi tareeq al-iltizaam (Obstacles to commitment)

156. ‘Ilaaj al-hawaa (Dealing with desires)

157. Wasaa’il al-thabaat ‘ala deen Allaah (Means of remaining steadfast in adhering to the religion of Allaah)

158. Ayaat yukhti’ fihaa al-katheeroon (Ayahs which are misunderstood by many people)

159. Sifat al-rajoolah fi’l-Qur’aan (Manliness in the Qur’aan)

160. Al-half wa’l-hanath (Making and breaking oaths)

161. Min hadyi al-Nubuwwah (From the teachings of the Prophet)

162. Al-Mustaqbal li’l-Islam (the future belongs to Islam)

163. Ureedu an atoob walaakin (I want to repent, but…)

164. Kayfa yunazzim al-Muslim waqtahu (how the Muslim should organize his time)

165. Shakaawa wa hulool (problems and solutions) – part one

166. Shakaawa wa hulool (problems and solutions) – part two

167. Al-Asmaa’ wa’l-kunaa wa’l-alqaab fi meezaan al-sharee’ah (Names, patronymics and nicknames in the balance of sharee’ah)

168. Tasarruf al-Muslim waqt al-harb (The Muslim’s conduct at times of war)

169. Al-tasaahul fi’l-ihtijaaj bi’l-daroorah (Excessive use of the excuse of necessity)

170. Maadha naf’al fi’l-haalat al-taaliyah (What should we do in the following situations)

171. Siyaadat al-sharee’ah (The authority of sharee’ah)

172. Tawbah qaatil al-mi’ah (The repentance of the one who killed a hundred)

173. Mazaahir naqs al-istiqaamah (Signs of lack of righteousness)

174. Nazaraat fi hadeeth al-dunya mal’oonah (Examining the hadeeth which says that this world is cursed)

175. Risaalah ila mustakhdimi al-kombyootir (A message to computer users)

176. Khasaa’is ummat Muhammad (Characteristics of the ummah of Muhammad)

177. Kayfa yata’aamal al-Muslim (How the Muslim should deal with others)

178. Al-taraaju’ tahta daght al-waaqi’ (Giving up under the pressure of real life)

179. Ayyu al-naas anta (What kind of person are you?)

180. Mu’aamirah tamyee’ al-deen (The conspiracy to dilute the religion)

181. Al-gheerah ‘ala al-deen (protective jealousy towards the religion)

182. Al-shabaab wa’l-tadayyun (Youth and religious commitment)

183. Waqaayah al-Muslim min al-Shaytaan (The Muslim’s protection against the Shaytaan)

184. Kayfa takoon majaalisunaa al-islaamiyyah (How should our Islamic gatherings be)

185. Zaahirat da’f al-eemaan asbaabuhu (The phenomenon of the weakness of faith – its causes)

186. Khidmat al-deen bi’l-taaqah wa’l-ma’rifah (Serving the religion through striving and knowledge)

187. Risaalah ila al-tabeeb al-Muslim (Message to Muslim doctors)

188. Istawsoo bi’l-taa’ibeen khayran (Be kind to those who repent)

189. ‘Ishroon qaa’idah fi inkaar al-munkar (Twenty principles for denouncing evil)

190. Risaalah ila al-jundi al-Muslim (Message to a Muslim soldier)

191. Qawaa’id fi ‘alaaqah al-daa’iyah bi’l-da’wah (Basic guidelines for the relationship of the daa’iyah to the da’wah)

192. Sab’u wasaaya li’l-atibbaa’ wa’l-tabeebaat (Seven recommendations for male and female doctors)

193. Thagharaat fi buyoot al-du’aat (Faults in the homes of the daa’iyahs)

194. Majaalaat li khidmat al-Islam (Ways in which one can serve Islam)

195. Mawaaqif raa’i’ah fi’l-ta’theer al-da’wi (stories of effective da’wah)

196. Ikhlaas al-daa’iyah (Sincerity of the daa’iyah)

197. Ramadaan fursah li’l-ta’leem wa’l-da’wah (Ramadaan is an opportunity for teaching and calling others)

198. Al-internet bayna al-da’wah wa’l-maqaahi (The internet between da’wah and cafes)

199. Nuqtat al-intilaaq fi tareeq al-istiqaamah (The starting point on the path of righteousness)

200. ‘Aalam al-arwaah (the world of the souls)

201. Wasi’ sadraka (Be patient)

202. Anwaa’ al-shuhadaa’ (Different kinds of martyrs)

203. Qandeel fi’l-masjid (A lamp in the mosque)

204. Museebat Kosova (The tragedy of Kosova)

205. Rawaasib al-jaahiliyyah (leftovers of jaahiliyyah)

206. Majaazir Indonesia (massacres in Indonesia)

207. Adaab ‘iyaadah al-mareed (Etiquette of visiting the sick)

208. Al-safar wa adaabuhu (Travelling and its etiquette)

209. Al-masaajid adaabuhaa wa ahkaamuhaa (Mosques – etiquette and rulings)

210. Al-‘Eid adaab wa ahkaam (Eid – etiquette and rulings)

211. Khawaarim al-maroo’ah (Things that are detrimental to manliness)

212. Al-du’aa’ wa adaabuhu (Du’aa’ and its etiquette)

213. Adab al-naseehah (etiquette of giving advice)

214. Adaab al-halaqah wa’l-dars (Etiquette of study circles and lessons)

215. Laa yakhlu jasad min hasad (Nobody is free of envy)

216. Fadaa’il al-a’maal (the best deeds)

217. Ightanim faraaghaka qabl shughlika (Make the most of your free time before you become busy)

218. Fawaa’id al-ibtilaa’ (The benefits of calamities)

219. Qurrat al-‘aynayn fi birr al-waalidayn (Finding joy in honouring one’s parents)

220. Al-Baaqiyaat al-saalihaat (The good righteous deeds that last)

221. Sadaqah naqiyyah min nafsin taqiyyah (Pure charity from a sincere soul)

222. Islaah dhaat al-bayn (Reconciling between two people)

223. Silat al-rahm wa atharuhaa ‘inda al-Muslim (Upholding ties of kinship and its effect on the Muslim)

224. Saba’oona su’aal fi’l-siyaam (Seventy questions about fasting)

225. Akhtaa’ shaa’i’ah fi’l-salaah (Common mistakes in prayer)

226. Al-‘ibaadah fi ‘ashara Dhi’l-Hijjah (Worship on the tenth of Dhu’l-Hijjah)

227. Al-jama’ fi’l-matar (Combining prayers when it is raining)

228. Mi’ah faa’idah min ahkaam al-siyaam (One hundred issues on the rulings on fasting)

229. Adaab al-siwaak (Etiquette of using siwaak/tooth-brushing stick)

230. Baab al-masah ‘ala’l-khaffayn (Wiping over the slippers/socks)

231. Baab fi’l-madhiy wa ghayrihi (Prostatic fluid, etc.)

232. Baab al-tayammum (tayammum or “dry ablution”)

233. Baab al-ghusl min al-janaabah (Ghusl following sexual activity)

234. Baab al-hayd (menstruation)

235. Salaah al-istikhaarah (prayer for guidance when making a decision)

236. Fawaa’id min ahkaam salaah al-witr (Issues connected to the rulings on salaat al-witr)

237. Bayaan fi ‘Umrat Ramadaan (Comment on ‘Umrah during Ramadaan)

238. Sifat khutbah al-jumu’ah (Description of Friday khutbah)

239. ‘Ala man tajibb al-jumu’ah (For whom is Friday prayer obligatory?)

240. Al-mawqif min al-iqtitaal bayna al-Muslimeen (What should one do when there is fighting among the Muslims)

241. Ighlaaq manaafidh al-sharr (Closing the door to evil)

242. Laa li’l-zinaa na’am li’l-zawaaj (No to fornication, yes to marriage)

243. Al-mu’aakhaah bayna al-Muhaajireena wa’l-Ansaar (The institution of brotherhood between the Muhaajireen and the Ansaar)

244. Ni’mat tatbeeq al-hudood (The blessing of the implementation of hudood punishments)

245. Qissat ishaa’at talaaq umahaat al-mu’mineen (The story of the rumour of the divorce of the Mothers of the Believers)

246. Ghazwat al-Rajee’ (The campaign of al-Rajee’)

247. Ayna al-muhaafazah ‘ala’l-a’raad (Why are people not protecting their honour?)

248. Al-mar’ah al-Muslimah ‘ala ‘atabat al-zawaaj (Muslim woman on the threshhold of marriage)

249. Al-Muslimah wa fareedah al-ukhuwwah fi-Allaah (The Muslim woman and the obligation of sisterhood for the sake of Allaah)

250. Khisaal matloobah fi’l-mar’ah al-Muslimah (Characteristics required in the Muslim woman)

251. Hijaabuki yaa ukhtaah (Your hijaab, my sister)

252. ‘Ibar min qisas al-nisaa’ fi’l-Qur’aan (Lessons from the stories of women in the Qur’aan)

253. Al-jahl ‘aduw al-mar’ah (Ignorance is the enemy of women)

254. Thagharaat tasudduhaa al-mar’ah al-Muslimah (Gaps to be filled by the Muslim woman)

255. Majallat al-mar’ah al-Muslimah (Muslim woman’s magazine) Tapes 1 and 2

256. Madha fa’alu bi ‘abaa’at al-mar’ah (What did they do to the woman’s abayah?)

257. Barakat al-mar’ah allati aslamat (The blessings of the woman who became Muslim)

258. Madha qaalu ‘an al-mawt (What they said about death)

259. Al-sabr ‘ala taa’at Allaah (Patience in obeying Allaah)

260. Kayfa nujaddid al-eemaan fi quloobinaa (How to renew faith in our hearts)

261. Kayfa takoon ‘abdan shakooran (How to be a thankful slave)

262. Mu’aaqabat al-nafs (Disciplining oneself)

263. Man hum awliyaa’ Allaah (Who are the close friends of Allaah)

264. Qissat ashaab al-ghaar (The story of the people of the cave)

265. Qissat maqtal Salaam ibn Abi’l-Haqeeq (The story of the killing of Salaam ibn Abi’l-Haqeeq)

266. Qissat al-Abras wa’l-Aqra’ wa’l-A’maa (the story of the leper, the bald man and the blind man)

267. Qissat maqtal Hamzah ibn ‘Abd al-Muttalib (the story of the killing of Hamzah ibn ‘Abd al-Muttalib)

268. Qissat al-Khusoomah bayna al-‘Umarayn (The story of the dispute between the two ‘Umars)

269. Qissat al-mustahzi’ allaadhi hadaahu Allaah (The story of the mocker who was guided by Allaah)

270. Qissat al-Waahibah nafsahaa li’l-Nabi SAWS (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) (The story of the woman who offered herself (in marriage) to the Prophet SAWS (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him))

271. Qissat Khashabat al-Muqtarid (The story of the wood of the debtor)

272. Qissat Islam Abi Dhaar (The story of how Abu Dharr became a Muslim)

273. Qissat binaa’ al-Bayt al-‘Ateeq (The story of the building of the Ancient House)

274. Qissat mawt Abi Taalib (The story of the death of Abu Taalib)

275. Qissat Hiraql wa’l-Islam (The story of Heraclius and Islam)

276. Qissat Abi Hurayrah ma’a al-Shaytaan (the story of Abu Hurayrah and the Shaytaan)

277. Itlaalah ‘ala seerat al-‘Umarayn (Glimpses of the biography of the two ‘Umars)

278. Ithaaf al-Saalik fi seerat Anas ibn Maalik (the biography of Anas ibn Maalik)

He has also written a number of books, including the following:

1. Koonoo ‘ala’l-khayri a’waanan (Co-operate in doing good)

2. Arba’oona naseehah li islaah al-buyoot (40 recommendations for reforming the home)

3. 33 sababan li’l-khushoo’ (33 ways of developing khushoo’ in prayer)

4. al-Asaaleeb al-Nabawiyyah fi ‘ilaaj al-akhtaa’ (the Prophet’s methods of dealing with people’s mistakes)

5. Saba’oona mas’alah fi’l-siyaam (70 issues related to fasting)

6. ‘Ilaaj al-humoom (Dealing with worries and stress)

7. al-munhiyaat al-shara’iyyah (Things which are not allowed in Islam)

8. Muharramaat astahaana bihaa katheer min al-naas (Prohibitions which many people take lightly)

9. Madha taf’al fi’l-haalaat al-taaliyah (What to do in the following situations)

10. Zaahirat da’f al-eemaan (Weakness of faith)

11. Wasaa’il al-thibaat ‘ala deen-Allaah (Ways of remaining steadfast in Islam)

12. Ureedu an atoob, walaakin… (I want to repent, but…)

13. Shakwaa wa hulool (Problems and solutions)

He also started the website “Islam – Questions and Answers” on the Internet in 1997, and this work is still continuing until the present. And Allaah is the Source of Strength.

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